Sunday, August 5, 2007

Movin' on in

On Friday, my Dad and Louise came up to Oakland to help me get the place ready for my belongings to arrive. My Dad, always prepared, brought a special chair for his back so he could take a break.

After much anguishing about the apartment hunt, I decided to go with one that my friend Alison had seen and was offered to me last Wednesday. This enabled me to get it ready and bring up furniture I have had stored at their house all before the movers arrive. Which is tomorrow. I haven't seen my belongings in about 2 1/2 weeks so I am excited about this. However, receiving my belongings isn't all I get to do tomorrow. I also get to have my first official day at work. What? you say. School in the beginning of August? Well, not school exactly but I am embarking on three weeks of training/planning before the actual start of school. No dull moments yet.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

ok, well i guess those are all good excuses for you not calling me back yet...but i look forward to speaking with you soon. Good luck with work and moving in!