Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sleuth work

On a misty Friday night, Alison and I, unable to do anything else, decided to sit around my apartment swapping stories about our week, discussing our new jobs and lives here. The longer we sat, the less interested we were in going out for dinner which prompted us to decide to order pizza. Due to technical difficulties we ended up relying on, of all things, the phone book for a number. Little did we realize the joys this antiquated device would provide! One ad in particular sparked a great deal of laughter. This ad was a treasure trove of poor grammar and editing. (Tania--look sharp!) Like a Highlights magazine, "What is wrong with this picture?" we dove in looking for as many mistakes as possible. How many can you find? Winner gets a fun treat mailed from California.


Anonymous said...

If you dine in, do you still get food, or is food just to go? My favorite may be the bullets on the right-side of the text instead of the left. Either that or the awful clip art.

I am glad they included the area code (even in the small font that makes it look like the football player is carrying it on his arm). It's often omitted here in the Bay Area. When someone left a voicemail about an apartment, she only gave me seven digits. I felt a little silly asking someone on the street for the San Francisco area code. 415, by the way.

Noelle said...

Oh, where to begin? First, (It is a little blurry on my screen): What in the world is a "Hof-Brau" (a.k.a. "Hofbrau")? Is that some strange west coast thing? One of my greatest pet peeves is the misuse of quotation marks, so that whole "Food & Beverage Specials..." part makes my skin crawl. "6 - TV's" has a random hyphen in it, but they do get points for appropriate use of apostrophe, so oft-misunderstood. More stray hyphens in "cook-to-order"...
If this whole priesthood business doesn't work out, I may start a proofreading business. Yipes.